Help Build Lasting Relationships & Inclusive Communities
Donate to Support Individualized Services for 450+ Children and Adults with Autism and Intellectual and Developemental Disabilities across California
$64,884 raised
$70,000 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Make the Promise With Us
Our mission is to enable individuals with Autism Spectrum
Disorder and other Developmental Disabilities to live fulfilling lives
as members of the community by providing support services customized to
their individual needs.
The foundation of our success is supporting people with the Circle of Support model. The Circle of Support brings together all the people invested in a person’s life: those relationships create an environment where people can grow and flourish with support that is customized and individualized.
You too are a part of the Circle of Support with your donations and contributions to our mission. By extension, you are walking side-by-side, with the people we support in their pursuit of happiness.
Partner with us. It is through the generous support of people like you that we are able to fulfill our mission and help thousands of individuals build lasting relationships and lead meaningful lives. During these challenging times, we need your support in this new environment with heightened demand for creative inclusive technology and an ever-increasing need to serve more people.
Thank you for your support and commitment to Jay Nolan Community Services.