Help Us Build A Better Future
Help Provide Individualized Services to Over 450 Children and Adults with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities
$58,506 raised
$70,000 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Our mission is to enable individuals with Autism Spectrum
Disorder and other Developmental Disabilities to live fulfilling lives
as members of the community by providing support services customized to
their individual needs.
Since 1975, Jay Nolan has been an innovative organization, by challenging assumptions and providing opportunities through person-centered planning and individualized support. Our success is defined by the success of people we have the privilege of supporting. Every decision, every action, and every commitment we make is with an intent to serve people today, and tomorrow!
You are a part of Jay Nolan's today and its tomorrow with your donations and contributions to our mission.
Through your donations, we are able to fulfill our mission and help thousands of individuals to determine the trajectory of their own lives. During these challenging times of inflation and workforce shortages, we need your support to continue to deliver creative inclusive services that leverage technology, new ideas, and the power of the human spirit to the people who rely on us.
I urge you to continue this journey with us and make a contribution to Jay Nolan Community Services during this season of giving. During these extraordinary times, please stand with us, ensuring the high-quality services Jay Nolan offers will continue to build a better future for us all.
Thank you for your support and commitment to Jay Nolan Community Services.